Appartement Témoin Perret


Le Havre-appartement temoin Perret-1©Breard

Appartement Témoin Perret © C

Le Havre-appartement temoin Perret-2©Breard

Le Havre-appartement Perret-2©OT Le Havre-Breard


Visit an apartment arranged in the styles and principles of the 1950s. Furniture, fabrics, lights, ceramics, everyday objects will plunge you into the daily life of this resolutely modern period.

Famille PlusNormandie Qualité Tourisme

Spoken languages

  • English
  • English
  • German
  • Spanish

Individual openings and schedules

  • Guided tour times for individual visitors:
    > April, May, June, September (except 21 and 22/09 – Heritage Days) :
    – Monday to Friday: 3.30 pm and 4.30 pm (from April 20 to May 5: additional session at 2.30 pm)
    – Saturdays and Sundays, public holidays and long weekends: 10am, 11am*, 2:30pm, 3:30pm and 4:30pm

    > July and August :
    Daily: 10am, 11am*, 2:30pm, 3:30pm and 4:30pm

    * visit included in the “Le Havre, World Heritage” tour, which also includes a visit to the Appartement témoin Perret and Saint-Joseph church.

    Reservations required:


  • Base rate – full rate adult : 7,00€
  • Reduced rate : 5,00€
  • Gratuities :
    (Moins de 26 ans, demandeurs d’emploi, minimas sociaux (sur présentation d’un justificatif) et détenteur d’un Pass Tourisme en cours de validité)

Payment methods

  • Vouchers
  • Carte bleue
  • Debit cards
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Holiday vouchers
  • Cash
  • Eurocard – Mastercard
  • Money transfer

Online booking


Appartement Témoin Perret
Maison du Patrimoine – 181 rue de Paris – 76600 LE HAVRE

Tel. 02 35 22 31 22



Route & access